Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Album Cover Artwork

Cover artwork for The Ascetic Junkies new album, This Cage Has No Bottom

Friday, January 22, 2010

The story of Ganesha

This is a Series of illustrations I did For Learning Media NZ. They accompany the story of how the Hindu God Ganesha was born.
The boy Ganesha is formed out of dust by his mother Parvati To guard her door while she bathes.
Parvati's husband Shiva comes home and Ganesha will not let him in to see his wife. Shiva Chops Ganesha's head off
Parvati is angry with Shiva and insists he restore Ganesha. Shiva sends his soldiers out to find Ganesha a new head.

Ganesha gets the head of a baby elephant. Parvarti is not very happy but Ganesha becomes an important and beloved God in his own right.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Opie and the Anomaly

Victor and Opie

Here are some of the illustrations I have done for my novel in progress for which the working title is Opie and the Anomaly.
The genre is basically science fiction/fantasy. the story follows the adventures of Opie, an intelligent and sensitive fifteen year old girl who is forced to leave her comfortable life and become embroiled in a civil war involving two formally peaceful communities sharing a swampy planet.Photobucket
Smith, God of the Swamp

Opie and Tomas

Opie and Ursa in Ursa's garden


Rex and Goldie with Opie

Opie with Hats her robotic parrot

Almandine and her pets

James in his office
Goldie with cakes

Sketches for Opie and the Anomaly

PhotobucketPen sketch UrsaPencil sketch for AlmandineThe Wreck


Here are a few of the other drawings I have done this year...
Above is a drawing I did for the Auckland Night Market committee as a visualization for their proposed market.



Woman with peacocks

Woman with peacocks 2

Tree with blossom